Ayurveda Doctor Explains Ways To Keep Your Lungs Healthy and Clean – purelyyours.com
Ayurveda Doctor Explains Ways To Keep Your Lungs Healthy and Clean

Ayurveda Doctor Explains Ways To Keep Your Lungs Healthy and Clean

Ayurveda Doctor Explains Ways To Keep Your Lungs Healthy and Clean

Our lungs are the unsung heroes of our existence, tirelessly working every second to help us breathe in and out. Without them, our survival would be impossible, yet, when it comes to discussions about health, wellness, and self-care, our lungs are often overlooked and forgotten. We prioritize our skin, gut, hair, and brain, but who gives a second thought to our precious lungs? 

It's a sad reality that we only start to pay attention to our lungs when their health begins to deteriorate, impacting our overall well-being. It's only then that we truly grasp the significance of caring for our lungs to maintain good health.

With each inhale, our lungs graciously welcome life-giving oxygen, infusing our bloodstream and providing nourishment to every cell in our body. And with each exhale, they selflessly release harmful carbon dioxide, purging our system of waste. Our lungs are a vital gateway, constantly working to ensure the exchange of gases that keeps us alive and kicking.

In Ayurveda, our respiratory system holds a significant place as one of the vital organs in our body. It is believed to carry Prana, the life force energy, into our being. Any imbalance in the respiratory system can give rise to various health issues.

Recognizing the importance of lung health, Ayurveda offers a range of techniques to promote respiratory well-being.

By embracing these Ayurvedic practices, we can prioritize our lung health and enhance our overall well-being.

So, let's delve into the realm of Ayurveda and take the initiative to make lung health a top priority in our lives. By doing so, we can experience the profound benefits it brings to our well-being and enjoy a life filled with vitality and balance.

  • Deep Breathing
  • Deep breathing exercises, such as Pranayama, are renowned for their ability to enhance lung capacity and improve blood flow, thereby promoting optimal lung health. These techniques involve deliberate inhalation and exhalation patterns that can strengthen the respiratory muscles and enhance the efficiency of oxygen exchange in the lungs.

    One popular Pranayama technique is Anulom-Vilom, also known as alternate nostril breathing. Anulom-Vilom helps balance the flow of energy and oxygen in the body, encouraging deep and rhythmic breathing. It can also enhance lung capacity and improve the overall functioning of the respiratory system.

    Another beneficial breathing technique is Kapalbhati, which involves forceful exhalations through the nose while the inhalation is passive. Kapalbhati is believed to increase lung capacity, strengthen the diaphragm, and clear the respiratory passages. This technique can also stimulate the abdominal muscles and improve digestion, making it a well-rounded exercise for lung and overall well-being.

    Ujjayi breathing is yet another technique that can contribute to lung health. Commonly used in yoga practices, Ujjayi involves inhaling and exhaling through the nose while partially constricting the back of the throat. This creates a gentle, ocean-like sound during breathing. Ujjayi breathing can increase oxygen uptake and improve lung ventilation, helping to maintain healthy lung function over time.


  • Hydration
  • Maintaining proper hydration is crucial for the health of our respiratory system. When we stay hydrated, the mucus membranes in our respiratory tract remain adequately moistened, which helps to keep our lungs clean and functioning optimally. Sufficient hydration ensures that these mucus membranes can effectively trap and remove potential irritants, pollutants, and pathogens that we may inhale.

    Well-hydrated individuals have thinner mucus consistency, which aids in its movement and clearance from the airways.

    When the airways are well-moisturized, they are less likely to become dry and irritated, reducing the risk of respiratory discomfort and improving lung capacity. Drinking sufficient water throughout the day helps to prevent dehydration and ensures that our lungs receive the moisture they need to function optimally.

    It's important to note that water is the best choice for hydration, as it is free of additives, calories, and potential diuretic effects. However, other fluids such as herbal teas, diluted fruit juices, and electrolyte-rich drinks can also contribute to maintaining hydration levels.

  • Avoid Artificial Fragrance
  • Artificial fragrances found in products such as candles, air fresheners, and wax candle warmers contain harmful chemicals that can have a negative impact on your respiratory system. If you regularly use these artificially prepared items, it's important to be aware of the harsh effects they can have on your lungs.

    Instead of relying on artificial fragrances, a healthier alternative is to consider using Dhoopan, an ancient method of freshening the air. Dhoopan not only provides an attractive aroma but also possesses antiseptic properties. By using Dhoopan, you can enjoy a naturally aromatic and fresh environment without exposing yourself to harmful chemicals.

    In addition to Dhoopan, herbs like Vacha and Agaru can be used to enhance the ambiance and fragrance of your surroundings. These herbs not only contribute to a pleasant aroma but also have potential benefits in keeping viral infections at bay.

    It's important to prioritize your respiratory health and be mindful of the products you use in your living environment. Opting for natural alternatives can help create a safer and more pleasant atmosphere while reducing the potential risks associated with artificial fragrances.


  • Mask
  • Increasing pollution is contributing to deteriorating air quality, exposing us to a range of chemical pollutants and harmful gases. In such circumstances, our primary recourse to safeguard our respiratory system is to opt for the protection of a mask. Regardless of other alternatives, wearing a mask becomes imperative as it acts as a barrier, shielding us from inhaling these detrimental substances. By donning a mask, we can significantly reduce our exposure to harmful pollutants and mitigate the potential risks they pose to our respiratory health. It is a proactive choice that empowers us to prioritize the well-being of our lungs amidst challenging environmental conditions. As pollution continues to pose a threat, embracing the use of masks serves as a practical and effective means to mitigate the impact on our respiratory system. Let us make a conscious decision to protect ourselves and promote healthier breathing by wearing a mask in the face of increasing pollution and its associated risks.

  • Exercise
  • Exercising in open, green areas provides an opportunity for your lungs to inhale clean, fresh air, facilitating the expansion of lung tissues and promoting overall respiratory wellness. Engaging in activities such as swimming, boxing, running, and walking can be particularly beneficial in detoxifying your lungs. These exercises enhance breathing capacity, improve cardiovascular health, and promote the removal of toxins from your respiratory system.

     Ayurvedic Remedies

    Including certain food items in your diet can be advantageous for maintaining respiratory health. Turmeric, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, can help reduce inflammation in the air passages, while the compound curcumin present in turmeric aids in cleansing the lungs.

    Ginger is another beneficial ingredient that supports respiratory health by helping to remove toxins from the respiratory tract. Additionally, 

    Honey, with its antibacterial properties, can alleviate discomfort in the respiratory system and strengthen the respiratory tract. Incorporating these food items into your diet can contribute to a healthier respiratory system.


    Now that we've grasped the significance of maintaining healthy lungs, it's time to embrace these practical techniques and Ayurvedic remedies that empower us to strengthen our respiratory system. 

    Seeking professional guidance and Ayurvedic medicine tailored to your specific needs? Look no further! Our team of experienced Ayurveda doctors is ready to assist you. Visit (Link)  to connect with our experts and embark on your journey towards a healthier life.

    Take charge of your well-being now!